I am a security researcher working at Mozilla in Paris and previously graduated with a PhD from Inria and École Normale Supérieure.

My research is focused on using formal methods to implement cryptographic primitives and to design security & privacy protocols.

I currently work on multiple projects at Mozilla such as MLS and Privacy Pass. I am the module owner for (NSS), the Cryptographic and TLS library used in Firefox and many other products. NSS also contains the implementation of the Mozilla Root Store which is managed by my colleagues within the Security and Privacy Engineering team.

I am also a co-author of the HACL* formally verified cryptographic library, which is used in many places such as Windows or the Linux Kernel…

Working on Internet Standards at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is also an important part of my work. I help standardizing security and privacy protocols such as TLS 1.3 and MLS 1.0.

Research Awards:

  • Internet Defense Prize at Usenix Security 2023
  • Distinguished paper at Usenix Security 2023
  • Distinguished paper at IEEE S&P 2015
  • Best paper at Usenix WOOT 2016

Program Committees:

  • IEEE Security and Privacy 2025
  • Real World Crypto 2024 and 2023
  • NDSS 2023
  • CHES 2023, 2022, and 2021
  • SSR 2022, and 2020
  • IEEE S&P 2016 (shadow)
  • Occasional reviews at CCS 2022, Eurocrypt 2021, CCS 2020, S&P, Crypto…